Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What a gray, dreary, wet, windy day it is here! Ugh! One good thing though; I can hear the wind chimes.
Recently while visiting a friend's blog, there was a discussion of choosing a word for this year....a word that one could keep going back to as a reminder to stay grounded, if you will....or perhaps to start fresh. The word that first came to me was "choices." I must remember that I almost always have a choice. Maybe I will not have a choice about a certain situation...maybe that part is beyond my control, but I will always have a choice about how I respond and I choose to deal with it. Everything that happens in your life is determined by the choices you make. So as a "jumping off spot", choose one of these.....or all of them...or one of your own.

Choose: to make it better if you can
to learn from it
to see beauty
to take a different path if necessary
to accept that which you cannot change
to work through the fear
to smile :)
to share
to keep moving forward
to take a stand for something
to see the glass as half full
to make a plan...and then another plan, just in case
to use the time and talents you have been blessed with

The possibilities are endless!

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