Sunday, October 12, 2014

no matter

it's a cool, gray, drippy fall day where I am today. no matter.
inside, the lamps are on, the pillows piled high, the yarns close at hand, the spicy chai tea hot. in just a bit i'll be on my way to a birthday grandson's 7th birthday! it amazes me how fast time flies. truly.
a week ago I was just finishing up some firsts. my first all-weekend craft show. (it went well, in fact, I've already committed to go back next year!) my first weekend away all by myself since hubs passed away in june. (it went well also...very quiet, but healing) my first road trip alone since...well...see previous comment. (it was without any difficulty at all).
there was, however, one small little thing that happened that has cast a slight shadow on the weekend of my "busting out". The residual effects, surprisingly enough, are not totally unpleasant.
at the time, I thought i'd broken my rib. I was alone at the little mountain cabin in the woods i'd rented for the weekend. I was leaning over the side of the bathtub....and I felt it pop. First words?
"Ohhhh no...that 's not good." Loosely translated.
I had no choice but to continue with the day's plans...going to the show, being up and down, selling, visiting with family who'd come up for the day. And as is so like me....turning down their offers of assistance. So, at the end of the day, I broke down my space, carted it in multiple trips to the car and drove my sore self home. Ibuprofen has been my friend ever since. I did see the doc, who took x-rays and no, it isn't broken. but the cartilage has pulled away from the rib and will continue to be extremely sore and tender for perhaps weeks. True, that! Take it easy, the doc said. But on days when I'm feeling pretty chipper I get out and do grocery shopping. That included, this past Friday, lifting a 20 lb bag of cat food into my cart, out of my cart, into the car, out of the car and up the steps into the house. Bad idea. Really bad idea. And I have paid for it ever since. So I suppose I must heed the "take it easy" advice. That said, here's the silver lining:  I've had to sit down and be still. Be still....think about that. I've worked on scarves to replenish those that have been selling quite well. I've done some reading. I've done a lot of thinking. I've been wrapping wire and beads. I've been taking care of MY SELF. That is such a foreign concept to me....and in order for it to happen, I was made to be still. That can't be an entirely bad thing. no matter. it's out of my control. so take care of my self, I will.
I also made an offer on a house this week.  Nothing to tell except it's in the waiting stages. And I've said before how I feel about waiting. no's part of the process.

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