Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Yes, I know....spring isn't really here yet....but after the absolutely gorgeous weather we've had this week, I sure wish it would be. And yes, I also know that gorgeous weather's about to change...but that is only temporary.....old man winter's last gasp before he gives it up. (hopefully!) But think about that title for a minute..."springing". What do you think of when you read that...what picture comes to mind? Odd, I know, but what of it? I think of little ones jumping on a bed. Or a pogo stick. A trampoline or swinging as high as you can go, perhaps. Or maybe you think of all those bulbs bursting out of the ground and beginning to bloom. And you know something?....every one of those things makes people smile...maybe even laugh! Because they are good things, happy things. They are the actual act of breaking free...breaking free of winter, of constraints, breaking out of your cocoon or box...of bleak gray....and bursting...yes, springing...forth into newness, warmth, sunshine, color...into spring! Into a new beginning...what a marvelous promise, that of a new beginning! And something really good for me? Today, I actually found out someone other than me is reading cool is that?! Here's to you! ;)

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