Wednesday, March 24, 2010

good things!!

ahhh. good morning! it is the kind of morning here that assures me without a doubt that things are waking up outside! i hear the birds....and i see them at the feeders and in the yard. i must find a way to get those pesky blackbirds or starlings or whatever they're called away so my finches and chickadees and bluebirds can visit more. the first bulbs are blooming...hyacinths and daffodils...and i see the blooms getting ready to open on my tulips! the bradford pears are blooming, the grass is starting to green and grow. the sky is that wonderful spring shade of blue and the sun is warm and long into the day. things are definitely waking up outside! i do love is a very good thing!
my niece is here from oregon for a week. she is 16, taller than me, so easy to talk to as an adult...all grown up, she is! and we will do some fun things while she is here. now if only my sister, her girls and my daughter could be here we could do one bodacious girls' day!!! that would be a good thing...but since it's just me and julianne for now, we'll do the best we can...and that is a good thing, too! my sister was here for over a week...but not for "fun time". she's back home in maine now, which for her, i believe is a good thing. and my daughter has to work, which i know for a fact is a very good thing!
i am over my bout with the...yuck...not sure what i had but it was a nasty of tremendous proportions!! my dad is healthy again...and that is a very good thing...his yuck definitely trumped mine!
and another good thing?....a secret some of you may not know....i love to coupon shop. and this week, one of the groceries is having triple coupon week......i have been known to get out with a weeks' groceries for just a little over $20....a very good thing! but that only happens if i shop alone....
and one last good thing?....i am getting ready for my very first craft show. i am working with diligence and purpose and motivation toward it. i feel a strength and determination to achieve that goal. i am pleased with my path and direction. i like what i am doing. and that...that is a very good thing indeed. no telling where that path will take me. but i am ever-so-sure that i am enjoying the journey so far. it does take courage to step out; to not know how you will be received. to speak up and say this is what i am going to do without fear. because if i can do this one thing, then it is the first step toward doing other things that require the same, if not more, courage...and determination...and strength. because i believe

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