Tuesday, September 25, 2012

today, real is....

today, real is....
hazelnut coffee
payday. thus, all the bills get paid...ALL of them. how blessed i am.
coupons...lots and lots of coupons
a zero balance on my credit card. it won't last long, but it's nice for a while.
a trip to the grocery for the fixin's for chili beans tomorrow.
roasting vegetables for dinner tonight.
my usual payday treat: Chick-Fil-A for lunch.
picking up furniture my cousin made for my booth at the new store.
real is also just a bit nervous about the whole "booth at the new store" thing.
but...real is also clear blue skies, cool temps, windows open and music on.
spending some time working with copper and beads and yarn..... and whatever else suits my fancy.
today, real is....dealing with it.
making positive choices.
feeling strong enough.
knowing i can.
today, real is...good.

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